Angel Wing Heart CH3RRYBOMB!

welcome to my personal website! Under construction!!

this website is to host some of my creative works. These include(but are not limited to) digital art, traditional art, graphic design, and literature. Right now, i'm working on getting this homepage done!

view CSS Testpages here!

view art here!

Beginning of blog posts!

in reverse chronological order (oldest to newest)


Hello! Welcome to my blogg! I made this mostly because my home page looks excruciatingly empty and i need something to put on here tbh. I'm pretty much a total newbie to web design, so this website is like my magnum opus. Like, the best I can do.


I find it so funny when i'm consuming media (usually about history) and they use the phrase "men, women, and children" bc like yaaas. The hidden third gender. Child.